Contact us

Privacy and confidentiality manament

Élise Colomine
Human Resources Manager

Communications and Media Relations 

Sylvie Rousseau
Communications Manager


  • MACH Head Office

    630 Saint-Paul Street West, Suite 600
    Montreal, Quebec H3C 1L9

    Phone number: 514 374-6224 514 374-6224

  • MACH Quebec

    Place de la Cité, Tour Belle Cour
    2590 boulevard Laurier, suite 1060

    Quebec, Quebec G1V 4M6

    Phone number: 418 266-6079 418 266-6079

  • MACH Ottawa

    400 Cooper Street, Suite 9300
    Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2H8

    Phone number: 613-380-2018 613-380-2018

  • MACH Toronto GRT

    15, Allstate Parkway, 5th floor
    Markham, Ontario L3R 5B4

    Phone number: 647-592-8012 647-592-8012

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