Our properties

9200 de l'Acadie

9200, boulevard de l'Acadie, Montréal, H4N 2T2, Québec

Excellent visibility!

This recently renovated building, located 2 minutes from the Metropolitan Boulevard and L’Acadie Boulevard, is in the heart of a commercial area, bordered by several green spaces, parks and sports facilities. Its accessibility and high visibility make this space the ideal place to grow your business!

BUS: 179 De l’Acadie (Nord/Sud) | 54 Charland / Chabanel (East/West) 460 Express Métropolitaine (East/West) 100 Crémazie (East/West)

METRO: 2.6 km / 10 min by busOrange Line – Montmorency (Laval) / Côte-Vertu (Saint-Laurent)

TRAIN: 600 m from the Ahuntsic train station, 700 m from the Chabanel train station

CAR: On the L’Acadie Boulevard, between the A-40 (Metropolitan Highway) and Chabanel: .75 km | Boulevard Saint-Laurent : 3.1 km | Autoroute 15 : 1.8 km

  1. Total surface area

    32,923 ft2
  2. Construction year

  3. Surface area by floor

    16,000 sq.ft.
  4. Renovation year

  5. Number of floors

  6. Type of building

    Commercial, Office

Contact information


Nick Ceravolo

Phone number

514 893-1710