Our properties

550 de la Cité

550, boul de la Cité, Gatineau, J8T 8H9, Québec


Strategic location !

Certified BOMA Best Silver !

550 Boulevard de la Cité is located in an established and prominent commercial node in Gatineau with an abundance of amenities including a variety of retail stores, restaurants, hotels, entertainment and recreational facilities. The City’s largest shopping centre, Les Promenades Gatineau, is also within a five-minute drive. The Property is immediately north of Highway 148, providing convenient access to other parts of Gatineau and Ottawa. 550 Boulevard de la Cité is also serviced by public transit and within walking to a primary bus terminal in the area, Station de la Cité, which provides access to multiple bus routes as well as the Rapibus Corridor, a major rapid transit system in Gatineau with designated lanes running parallel with Highway 148.

  1. Construction year

  2. Surface area by floor

    32,000 sq²
  3. Renovation year

  4. Number of parking spaces

  5. Elevators

  6. Number of floors


There are no spaces available at this time.

Contact information


John Esposito

Phone number

613 565-4848